Автори: Євгеній Шустов
Розділ: Медицина И Биология
Видано у номері: 2019, 2
Ключові слова: athlete functional nutrition, products, strength sports, іnnovation technologies, функціональне харчування, спортсмен, спеціалізовані продукти, силові види спорту, інноваційні технології
Modern scientific and methodological literature on sports nutrition deals with timely and intensity and load direction appropriate body supply with energy resources, plastic materials to replenish the balance of substances, including macro and micronutrients for the maintenance of biochemical homeostasis and physiological balance and prevention of post-load damage to organs and systems, as well as immunoprotectors. However, despite a large body of knowledge in this area, they are not structured enough and do not always allow to move forward in the direction of the development of new specialized functional foods for athletes.
Objective. Generalization of the requirements of normative documents and modern scientific approaches to the development of new specialized sports nutrition products.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of data of special scientific-methodical and scientific literature.
Results. The article analyzes the existing groups of sports nutrition, assesses their correspondence to the specifics, orientation and energy efficiency of the training process of skilled athletes, formulates the basic principles and directions of using representatives of different groups of functional products, including the most modern (ketonalogues of amino acids, endothelioprotectors). The main directions and approximate programs for the creation of new targeted products that are capable of maintaining the health of athletes and stimulating the ability to work to achieve a high competitive result are outlined.
Conclusion. Based on the considered features of supporting the professional activity of athletes within the frames of the concept of functional nutrition and the analysis of the goals achieved by functional nutrition in sport, the principles and features of designing modern innovative specialized foods for nutrition of athletes have been formed.

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