Автори: Оксана Омельянчик-Зюркалова
Розділ: Биомеханика
Видано у номері: 2015, 1
Ключові слова: гимнастика, хореография, акробатика, вольные упражнения, базовая оценка, исполнение, трудность, gymnastics, choreography, acrobatics, floor exercises, basic estimate, performance, difficulty

Objective. To provide quantitative and expert estimations of gymnasts’ choreographic fitness.
Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data of special scientific-methodical literature, video analysis, method of expert estimates.
Results. Quantitative indices of acrobatic and choreographic elements have been revealed for basic estimate determination.
Methods for complicating free exercise composition by means of reducing acrobatic lines and diagonals and increasing gymnastic elements have been determined. Theoretical indices of composition sequence improving the structure and increasing the difficulty of the whole exercise have been presented.
Conclusion. In the course of composition complication, much attention should be paid at the technique of gymnastic element execution. While improving exercises, acrobatic element may be substituted by choreographic one in some cases. Obtained results have served as a basis for further studies in order to improve training process in artistic gymnastics.

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