Автори: Володимир Платонов, Юрій Павленко, Володимир Томашевський
Розділ: Из Зарубежного Опыта
Видано у номері: 2020, 1
Ключові слова: strategy, оrganization, realization, support, стратегія, організація, реалізація, забезпечення

Objective. To analyze the history of formation and organizational and methodological foundations of Australian athletes’ training in the Olympic sport.
Methods. Analysis and synthesis of special literature, documentary sources and materials of the Internet; system analysis; historical and logical method; comparative method.
Results. The process of forming the system of elite sport and Olympic preparation is characterized by active population support for the implementation of reforms, constant in-depth analysis of the reasons of successful and unsuccessful performances of Australian athletes at the Olympic Games by specialists, detailed development of strategic programs and plans for their realization. All the key components of the Olympic training system: organizational, personnel, methodological, scientific, medical, logistical, financial and other support are in the preview. Improvement of the preparation system is aimed at finding rational interaction and distribution of powers, responsibilities and resources between organizations.
Conclusions. Analysis of the process of the Olympic preparation system formation in Australia shows that the achievements at the Olympic Games are primarily due to the introduction of effective management in the development of the whole field of physical culture and sport, elite sport and preparation of athletes for major international competitions. The national team of Australia (country with a population of about 23 million people), has been competing successfully in the unofficial team event at the Olympic Games with athletes of the countries with far greater human and economic potential.

Онлайн версия журнала "Наука в олимпийском спорте""

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