Автори: Лариса Гуніна
Розділ: Медицина
Видано у номері: 2014, 4
Ключові слова: спорт, Запрещенный список, гормоны, здоровье спортсмена, допинг, метаболические регуляторы, sport, doping, Prohibited Medication List, hormones, metabolic regulators, athlete health

Objective. formation of modern notions in sports physicians, coaches and athletes about mechanisms of influence upon the body and side effects of pharmacological means included in S4 section of WADA-2014 Prohibited Medication List.
Methods. analysis of data of scientific and methodical literature, sports print media, Internet.
Results. Innovations to be included in WADA Prohibited Medication List in 2015 have been briefly presented. Integral notion about various pharmacological means, belonging to S4 section of Prohibited Medication List-2014, has been formed, mechanisms of their impact upon body physiological functions under physical load have been described, existing and potential in the long-term side effects, which may lead to athlete health impairment, including fatality, have been discussed. It has been stressed that even in case of lacking an expressed negative impact on the body, the usage of these means is inconsistent with the Olympic sport spirit.
Conclusion. Understanding subtle mechanisms of influence upon limiting physical work capacity organs and systems of various means of homeostasis metabolic regulation will prevent doping sanctions and preserve athlete’ life and health.

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