Автори: Тетяна Петровська
Розділ: Психология
Видано у номері: 2014, 4
Ключові слова: эмоциональный интеллект, эмпатия, личностная тревожность, ситуативная тревожность, соревновательная тревожность, emotional intelligence, empathy, personal anxiety, situational anxiety, с оmpetitive anxiety

Objective. Study of emotional intelligence as a personal resource for enhancement of adaptation to mental loads and sports activity performance.
Methods. Psychodiagnostic methods: N. Hall’ diagnostics of emotional intelligence; C. Spielberg’ studies of personal and reactive anxiety.
Results. Statistically significant inverse correlation between personal anxiety and the level of emotional intelligence has been revealed in the group of athletes both in integrative and constituent indices.
Conclusion. Emotional intelligence development in athletes and the ability to perceive emotions of other people positively affect the decrease of competitive anxiety level.

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