Автори: Володимир Аікін, Юлія Корягіна
Розділ: Зарубежный Опыт
Видано у номері: 2014, 4
Ключові слова: тренировочный процесс, медико-биологическое обеспечение, физиология спорта, спортивные травмы, функциональная диагностика, функциональные системы организма, адаптация, training process, biomedical support, sports physiology, sports injuries, functional diagnostics, functional systems of an organism, adaptation, culture as element of culture of society and person
The analysis of foreign scientific editions is presented in article on modern medico-biological aspects of training and competitive activity. The most significant data and tendencies of application of medico-biological technologies in training process of elite athletes are allocated. Scientists pay the main attention to prevention of injuries and diseases, a competitive stress, diagnostics of a functional condition of systems of an organism. Features of urgent and long-term adaptation, and also physiological predictors of special efficiency of athletes of different types of sports are defined.

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