Автори: Тастанбек Єсентаєв
Розділ: Социология, Экономика, Менеджмент
Видано у номері: 2015, 3
Ключові слова: периодизация многолетней подготовки, стадии и этапы многолетней подготовки, факторы внешней среды, long-term preparation periodization, long-term preparation stages, external factors
The long-term career of athletes and the modern system of periodization process of their long-term improvement and competitive activity have been characterized. The role of numerous external factors of organizational, managing, financial, material and technical, professional and social character has been demonstrated with respect to training and competitive activity provision at each stages of the long-term preparation: initial, preparatory basic, specialized basic, preparation for the highest achievements, maximal realization of individual capacities, maintenance of achievements, gradual decrease of the results.

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