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Hemoglobin mass analysis for evaluation of hypoxic training efficiency Akhmetov Ildus Biology 2014, 3 анно�.а�.и�.
Аnabolic agents in sport: mechanism of doping action and side effects Gunina Larisa Меdicine And Biology 2015, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Athens in the spring of 1896 Butovsky Alexey History 2016, 2 анно�.а�.и�.
Acidosis as a factor limiting muscular activity during physical exercise and mechanisms for its development Riamova Ksenia,
Rozenfeld Aleksandr
Discussions 2016, 2 анно�.а�.и�.
Aleksey Butovskyi: life path and creative heritage Bubka Sergey History 2019, 3 анно�.а�.и�.
Arbitration agreement in sport arbitration Kushnir Zhanna,
Noshadha Sam
Sociology, Economy, Management 2020, 4 анно�.а�.и�.

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